Archive for October 4, 2011

Back To School

School has began. I could not be more thankful for this. I now have things to do! I observed 4 English classes today. 3 of which were taught by my dear counterpart Ato Fantahun (Ato means Mr.) He is hysterical and watching him teach has been a real treat. I also got to introduce myself to 4 classes of roughly 45 kids as Heather. I went over how to pronounce my name and explained that now when you see me around Gondar say Heather not ferenji, not anci anci, not you you you. In one classroom the spot where I was sitting a pigeon was hopping around on the rafters above my head causing rocks to fall down on me and I spent the 40 minutes trying desperately to take note of what was going on and make sure it didn’t poop on me. I got to see the 7th graders get their text books. This was one of the most heartwarming parts of my day. When the books were being carried in the classroom kids stood up and clapped. They were so excited. This was quickly crushed however when one girl decided she didn’t like her book and wrestled another kid for a better book. The other children quickly ratted her out and now she has no book until her parents come to the school to have a talk with the Head Director. Tisk tisk. I’m finally starting to see what the school system is like in action and not in theory and I’m getting excited about what I may be able to contribute.

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